首先是Joy, Meg, Clara, 跟我的(超歡樂創作過程XD)
I’m Somebody! Do you know me?
Noo-Noodles, the Fate I belong to thee
The work I did
Should be Made into Movie
The curl Rocker – Me
Before Somebody ends her great work by eating
I claim for my Immortalityyyyy –
By Caleigh and Esther↓
Aaron’s crazy grin – smoked
Salmon on pine wood – Cactus molten ice
Endless Rain on the radio –
Meow – Off beat
No Blondie for you – never a “dog”
Spinning in the nautilus –
Spinning at 3 am
Spinning – with The Machinist
By Ted↓
Exam had painted - Colored Walls -
Six Faces - incline I -
Within the Rubik's Cube - shuffled -
My Fate - Thy Hand's destine -
Sixteen Days of Aprille - cruelest
Thin as Thread - waste Path - stroll -
Valley of Death I tread - full length -
Fate's dice Six - till En-roll -
By Zoe↓
Spiritual - lack of -
Or you can say -
How divided - its chopped off -
Deceased away -
Lost it - due to Physical -
Desire - has fallen Apart -
Hopeful Despair - Irrationally -
Conquer perhaps Conquered - Alert -
By Sharon↓
Grace - has an Element of Fake -
It cannot rearrange
When it begun - Or if there were
A place where it was stage
It has no Nature - but itself -
It's Infinite pace
It's Pain - enlightened to perceive -
Old glories - Of Grace
By Tracy, Sherry, Natelie↓
an animal-a Pet- human's Best
friend-with his little-
yellow bird-Watch-the sky on the-
Roof he lies-two feet he Walks
on-human-like-the Enlighted-
Canine-black and white-
Master as he is-C.B. yet-
often is teaased by-
By Quian-Yu and Tady↓
To find you in a traffic accident
Naked and drunken
With blood and be all blurry
Standing by a whip
Though breath has been keeping aside
Surface in a coma
Serpents still aspirate in my head
As heaven in His
By Vincent↓
Serving-a destructive sound
of the Man weighting 200 pounds
certainty-not be found
With so many around
Impossible-for me-to reach
Stretch out to touch
Green-stirring ashes-
But a smash of ace
By Jane, Rea, Iris and Peggy↓
Allen has Little-Eyes-
Flying around-seizing-skies-
Why can-not-I-not to see-
No Eyelid fish-so do I.
Into endless deep dark side-I-lie-
Little-the world of view-under-
Narrow lines of you-and-I